What We Believe
We are Disciples Of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ we welcome all to the Lord’s table as God has welcomed us. We seek to be a diverse congregation of deeply spiritual followers of Jesus Christ, representing the variety of God’s created people. As such our doors, our minds, and our hearts are open to witness to all who seek to know Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
To be a faithful growing church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice.” Micah 6:8
The Mission
To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving and serving from our doorstep ” to the ends of the earth”. Acts 1:8
The church is identified with the Protestant “mainstream” and is widely involved in programs locally and nationally. These programs are social, education, agriculture assistance, racial reconciliation, care of the developmentally disabled and aid to victims of war and calamity.
The denomination now counts about 70,000 members in the US and about 3,700 congregations in Canada.
What Would My Worship Experience Be Like Upon My First Visit?
Our worship has formal as well as informal segments.
Music is used throughout the service.
Bible scripture recited and the sermon, community prayers, communion and after church we gather for coffee and refreshments in the coffee room to visit with each other and get to know each other better.
A children’s sermon is part of our service and encourages all children to participate. After the children’s sermon, they go to Sunday school and activities.
There is an adult bible class after coffee time for those who want to attend.
Our congregation is a friendly and loving family.
The dress style varies, suits and dresses, slacks, and sometimes jeans and shorts.
We celebrate communion every week and some special services, Maudy Thursday, Christmas Eve. We invite everyone who believes Jesus Christ is Lord.
You would see lay people participate in our service as a presiding elder, table elder, and offering collection as well as serving communion.
Announcements are printed in the bulletin and some are announced at the beginning of the service.
What Do I Need To Do To Join The Church?
Every week at the end of the service the pastor will give an “invitation” just before we sing an invitational hymn. During that hymn, you would go forward to the front of the sanctuary to the pastor. The pastor would ask you,” Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord God and do you accept Him as your Lord and savior?”. You would answer,”yes. I do”. This is your public commitment to Christ. If you have not been baptized or sprinkled a baptism will be arranged. If you have been baptized or sprinkled then that will be acceptable.
You may also transfer your membership from another church to ours.
We also have baby blessings as well.
How Do I Support The Church? Are There Fees or Dues?
There are no fees or dues. Your support can take form several ways.
- Tithing: You will be given envelopes to submit your offerings on Sundays. Your tithe is your way of saying thank you to God for all He has done for you. Each person needs to decide for him/herself what that tithe will be, prayerfully and thoughtfully.
- Serving: Using your time and your talents to help the church and carry out its programs and mission.
- Praying: Supporting the church to do God’s will to spread the Gospel.