Worship begins at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday. When you enter the sanctuary, you’ll see a lot of friendly faces. There will be someone to greet you and hand you a bulletin. If you are a guest, we have a guest book for you to sign, if you feel comfortable. A staffed nursery is available for infants and toddlers.
Our worship is traditional. This means that each week we use the Chalice Hymnal and sing with the organ and piano. We have a choir that offers an anthem each Sunday as well.
Our church celebrates and values lay leadership. This means that each week Pastor Jim will share the leadership of worship with various members of our congregation.
After the Children’s Moment, children are invited to go downstairs for Sunday School or take a seat with their family. We have a dedicated volunteer pool who plan weekly for Sunday School for the children.
An offering is taken each week. If you are a guest we ask for nothing from you, your presence is a gift itself.
We celebrate Communion (also known as the Lord’s Supper) each time we gather for worship. The table is not ours, but rather God’s and all are invited to participate.
At the close of each service and invitation to Christian Discipleship is offered. We invite those who wish to profess or rededicate their faith and for those who wish to transfer their membership to our congregation. The question that is asked of each one who comes forward is, “ Do you believe in Jesus the Christ and dedicate your life to the following of his Gospel of unconditional love?”
After the worship service, everyone is invited down to Fellowship Hall for coffee and snacks. You are invited to stay and join us in fellowship.
There is an elevator located at the side entrance of the church for those needing extra assistance.